
Friday, December 9, 2011

This Week In Science #6

     This week in science we listed things that we think that crickets need to live. We also listed things that we need to survive. We also observed crickets for 2 minutes using different methods to see what they do most. We made two different types of Dichotomous keys yesterday.  We made a List and a Flow chart.
We as a group made them.
     This week in science I learned how to make a list dichotomous key. Also I learned by my observations that crickets like damp towels more than dry.  I learned that crickets need-Air, a Nest, Food (any kind), Water, a Habitat and some kind of partner.

Friday, December 2, 2011

This Week in Science #5

     This week in science we worked on our conclusions for our rocket investigations. We split into groups (A-B-C). "A" meaning you got an incomplete on the plant investigation and you haven't completed the rocket investigation conclusion. "B" meaning that you passed the milestone plant investigation but you haven't completed the rocket investigation conclusion. "C" meaning that you've completed both. We started a new unit. This unit is about Animals. We started with animal behaviors. We studied the behaviors of crickets.
     This week in science I learned how to make a good conclusion. I learned every kind of behavior an animal can do. I also learned that crickets make a chirping noise by flapping their wings. I learned the difference between human behaviors and animal behaviors.